Saturday, September 11, 2010

Designer Diaper Wipes Case Tutorial

Designer Diaper Wipes Case
So I have seen these little diaper case covers for some time now, so I decided to try my hand at making one myself. I love how it turned out! I just need to find some buttons to put on the ribbon to dress it up a little.

To make this Diaper Wipes Case you will need the following materials:
Glue gun, 1 Sheet of White Felt, Plain Diaper Wipes Case, Felt Ribbon, Designer Fabric, Black Trim

1. Cut 2 pieces of Felt the size of the top and bottom of the diaper wipes case and hot glue to case.

2. Once it is felt is glued to the case. Measure and cut the designer fabric you will be using to completely cover the diaper case.

3. Once the fabric has been cut to size, wrap the fabric around the case, while gluing it to the felt. Make sure not to glue the sides and front shut, just wrap the material as close to the edge as you can get.
(Gluing and wrapping the fabric around the case a little section at a time)

4. Now the fun part, Add the felt ribbon to the top of the case, along with any additional embellishments and finally cover the edges with the trim that you chose to cover all of the fabric edges (I used the hot glue gun); this helps to give the case a finished look.

(**Note: attach the ribbon on the top before you do the trim on the sides, so you can hide the ends of the ribbon under the trim)

Finished Product!!

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